Wednesday, March 31, 2010

I feel like I am planning a wedding

I have ordered invitations (after agonizing over layout, colors, and wording).
I have flipped through magazines and scoured the webs looking at floral arrangements.
I have priced out a few different cake options.
I have picked a caterer.
Now trying to decide what beverages to provide.

Oh yeah, this is my daughters first birthday party.

We are doing dinner from Ted's! YAY!!! Everyone loves Ted's, so I know that will be a hit. My invitations came in the mail today, and I am hoping that somehow they will stamp and address themselves. I am going with pink roses with votive candles - simple but classic.

We built a guest bedroom on our upstairs, and it will be ready in time for the party so David's parents can stay up there.

Everything seems to be coming together! I swear, the last time I was this wrapped up in a party I was getting married!

Monday, March 29, 2010

Bug's one year photo shoot (a few weeks early)

I had to do her photo shoot now because I wanted to use the pictures for her invitations! I am very pleased with the way the invitations turned out! All my local friends - you should get your invitations in the mail by next week. April 17th 5 PM - save the date : ) It is going to be a lot of fun! It is mostly an adult party, but the kiddos will have fun too.
Her party is cupcake themed, and Paige loves them!
It was such a mess! But worth it!

LOVE the way these turned out. Allison had the best ideas!

Loving mommas pearls!

Love this sweet face.
Mommas beautiful girl!
This is the shirt she is wearing for phase one of her party. Phase two outfit has yet to be determined.
I love this girl so much!

Thank you so much, Allison, for these fantastic pictures!! Allison is so creative and great at capturing wonderful pictures!

Happy Monday! I hope everyone enjoys the week ahead.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Weekend is here!

So excited it is the weekend! We are kicking it off with a visit from my photog friend, Allison. She is going to take some one-year pics of my little bug. I have some fun ideas, so be in the lookout for pics in the next week!! I need to get her invitations out ASAP! Her party is the 17th! YIKES! Tonight Paige is staying with my parents so we can go to the Thunder vs. Lakers game! I'm excited for this! I am one of the few people who LOVES Kobe Bryant. I think he got a bad rap for nothing : ) Okay not really - but I still like watching him play basketball! I have also been jonesing for some mini burgers and fries from Redpin. So it is shaping up to be a pretty good Friday night!

Paige loves her chair.

Chillin' out maxin and relaxin' all cool...
Goof ball!
We walked around the mall yesterday with Adrienne, Michelle, and the kids. Paige is happy as long as she has a book to eat.
Our first pigtails : )
Sorry for the iphone crap quality.

I hope everyone has a great weekend. Weather is supposed to be lovely here in Edmond.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

I've been a bad blogger!

I have been so busy lately. Paige has been driving up a wall the last few days. She is getting 4 teeth on top (two are really showing, and the other two are just starting to pop through), as well as two new teeth on the bottom. We are also in this weird phase of napping. She has been a two-nap-a-day babe for quite some time. It was so nice, as I could do everything I needed to in the morning (she would nap in the car or stroller), then be home by 2 for her afternoon nap. Well she cut that morning nap out. Now she wants to fall asleep around 12. My schedule is so messed up now! BUT - this does mean she is going to bed much earlier - around 7:30. So that is very nice. David and I can put her to bed and actually relax for a few hours together. She is still sleeping until around 8, so no real complaints.

Food: she is still a pretty good eater. I feed her those Gerber toddler meals a lot, and she is so funny with them! She LOVES the veggie part. For example, today, she gobbled up the peas, and turned her nose up at the cheesy chicken and pasta. Hmmmm. She still thinks she is involved in some kind of blueberry eating contest. She shoves them in her mouth so fast! Loves her sippy with water. Loves all snack foods - goldfish, cheerios, puffs, etc. A girl after my own heart!

She is such a blessing. I love watching her discover new things. She has recently started pointing at things. She will point to the dogs and smile. Or go to the window and point outside at a bird. Still waving hi and bye. No clapping yet. We are working on that.

I am also pretty sure she will be walking by or shortly after her birthday. She can stand alone for several seconds, and loves to walk behind her lawn mower. She is capable, she just needs to confidence.

I still rock her to sleep for every nap and every night before bedtime. She is so spoiled! But I love that time with her.
She loves the bath! I was folding laundry yesterday and heard a noise from her bathroom. I came in to find that she had crawled in the tub to play with her bath toys!!!! I still can't figure out how she did that!
She loves the swings still.
We went for a long walk yesterday, and to pass the time for her, I put lots of snacks in her tray. She was sad when they were all gone!
Then of course she was just a hot mess. Apple wheels and goldfish smeared all over her face and clothes.

After meal time, the dogs and Paige get on the floor and look around for good crumbs, but Beefy got scared and ran for cover.

Michelle and I took the kids to the zoo! They had fun, but weren't really interested in the animals. They were more interested in snacks in the wagon and each other. They fought over a coke bottle, bottle cap, and each other's sippy cups.
It was all smiles at times though : )
David is protective of his sunglasses, so I thought this was funny. I emailed it to him and he called me right away! Megan! Take those away from her!! LOL!!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Paige's new 'do

Paige will only eat with her hands. She refuses to let us feed her on the spoon lately. While this is frustrating when I want her to eat quickly, I know it is good that she can feed herself. It is also nice that David and I can enjoy our dinner while she enjoys hers : )

However, the problem is the MESS! Paige gets food all over her clothes, face, high chair, and hair. I had to get her in the tub and scrub her hair the other day. This resulted in my working up a big lather in the form of a mowhawk! I got so tickled looking at her, which tickled Paige. We sat there and laughed at each other for a few minutes while I took some pictures.

Goof ball!!

I had a nice birthday weekend at the spa in Tulsa. I missed my bug, but it was really nice to get away with the girls. We are already planning our next trip back!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

It is my birthday month!

I have always loved March. As a kid, March meant = my birthday, spring break, and getting closer to summer! When I was engaged, March meant we were getting so close to our wedding! When I was pregnant, March brought my baby showers and meant the baby would be here soon! So March is just an awesome month to me.

My birthday is Friday, and David is taking me to my favorite restaurant, Boulevard Steakhouse. I'm so excited! I am going on my first overnight trip away from Paige, leaving on Saturday. I am going to Tulsa for a spa weekend with a few girlfriends. I know Paige will be in capable hands with her daddy. But I will miss her like crazy!

Looking goofy with her two bottom teeth. I am pretty sure she is going to be getting her top ones soon. She has been an absolute fuss machine the last few days. Good times.
Love us some bath time! We have so many bath toys, however, it has become custom for Paige to take one toy with her when she leaves the tub. Now, where all these toys go is beyond me. Some special place in heaven for lost bath toys, I guess.

Getting bored and impatient waiting for lunch.
That is not a good look! I'm not sure what was making her sad, but she sure is cute!
LOL! Being very impatient waiting for her grilled cheese!
A little impromptu photo shoot on her 10 month birthday.

I love this girl! And my birthday month!! : )

Happy March!