Little power nap before her first bath!
Paige's belly stump fell off a few days ago, so we were able to give her a bath in the sink! She really liked it...
...until we took her out. Please excuse the scariness of my appearance. Two nights ago was awful. It took a few hours to get Paige down for the night. After her bottle at 10, she just didn't want to go to sleep. I finally put her on my chest in bed, and got about an hour and forty-five minutes of sleep. She woke up again at 2 to eat, and I put her on the breast. She ate for a while, and we tried to put her back down. At 5 AM, she finally went to sleep. Then woke up again at 6:30 to eat again. So add that up - I slept a total of 3 hours, and not at the same time. Many tears were shed.
I started thinking: I wonder how much milk Paige is actually getting from the breast? It seems like she struggles and gets frustrated nursing. So yesterday, I did an experiment. I pumped every 3-4 hours and gave her bottles. She ate like a champ each time (between 3 and 4 ounces), had plenty of dirty and wet diapers, and was just a happier baby than she had been the last week. Then last night, she went down right away after her 10 PM bottle, and slept until 2. David gave her a bottle while I pumped, and she went right back down until 6:30. We got at least 6 hours of sleep last night, and I feel like a new person. I feel like I have a new baby. I am not thinking of this as giving up - because Paige is still exclusively getting breast is just coming from a bottle. And if it makes for a happier baby and a happier mommy, well then that is just what we are going to do. Pumping is easy and takes 15 minutes at the most, and I don't mind doing it every 4 hours. It is important to me that she gets breast milk. Wow, that was long. But my point is - every baby is different, and every mom has to find her own way.
Megan I know I keep saying this, but Paige is so freaking cute! Good for you and David for coming up with a system that works for you guys! See you guys soon!
PS- Bought Paige a little something yesterday!
So damn cute!! What pump are you using? We are registering this weekend and I am SO undecided!
Madela!! Get the madela! It is great and was recommended to me by the LC and the nurses at the hospital.
love the new pics, paige is such a cutie!
thanks for your comments on my pics, I am totally pumped! I was already so anxious for her to get here, that US did NOT help, now I am going stir crazy... I want to squeeze her so bad!
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