Paige and I hung in the backyard today for a while. She managed to find an old pair of my sunglasses and had a field day with them!

David has been working 24/7 lately. It is awful. He is drained. I am miserable. I count on his help. I NEED to rest after a long day of taking care of Paige. It has been a brutal few weeks. I don't feel like I let on to other people that much just how much I am struggling. I completely lost my shit (sorry - but it is true) to David on the phone last week.
He was very understanding, apologized over and over again...even though it isn't his fault. We need his job. Obviously. He sent me these beautiful flowers, and they did brighten my day. They are holding strong and still look lovely!

We went out this morning to get some new books. We have read our current collection WAY too many times.
How cute is Paige with the sunglasses! Hang in there...I remember being really tired towards the end of my twin pregnancy but also didnt have a little toddler to chase after. Rest when you can!
You let me know if you need any helo during the week girly. I know pregnancy can be really hard in the end... especially with a toddler running around and I wasnt carrying around 2 babies!! Dont hesitate to call me!!
Paige looks adorable as always. Loving all her cute outfits!
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