So, how am I doing? Well - I have good moments and bad moments. But for the most part, I'm doing well. My drain sites got infected. But they still wanted me to keep them in because I am still draining quite a bit of fluid. I am on antibiotics 2x/day, and it is clearing up.
I had a moment yesterday of some intense pain, and I cried to David, "why did I do this? Why did I put myself through all of this?"
Then the pain went away, and I took my binders off this morning. The swelling is continuing to move south (that is how the lymphatic system works...swelling moves down and eventually goes away) and I am looking better all the time.
Here is a front view with no girdle on, 13 days post surgery:
Then this is what I look like 99% of the time - girdle, binder, and drains pinned up. I wear sweats over this mostly, although I did put on a pair if jeans on Saturday when we had company. But it isn't comfortable. I feel most comfortable in sweats.
They gave me a picture of the piece of skin they cut off me. It is crazy. I can't believe my twins did that to me. But I love them anyway : )
We are all doing great over here. Thanks so much for all the support through this. I hope my honesty about everything can help someone who is considering this surgery.
Painful? Yes. Emotionally draining: You bet. Worth it: I think so : )
I think you look amazing :)
I have 8 mo old twin boys and love your blog. I am considering this surgery...but have questions for you. Do you have an email address to reach out to?
E - sure! Email me at mlgriffith3 at gmail dot com
Looking good sister! BTW....the girdle is sex-y.
Lookin' good sister. BTW....that girdle is sex-y!
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