Sunday, March 18, 2012

Weekend so far

Friday, we went to dinner with some friends and went to the Thunder game.

Then Saturday morning, David stayed with the kiddos and I went and ran the lake with my friend, Samantha. It was WINDY and HUMID. We were exhausted. I hope the memorial marathon day isn't windy. But this is Oklahoma, where the wind comes sweeping down the plains...

Came home, showered, and headed to the mall with the whole family! First, we went and got big boys shoes!

Then, stopped to get a cookie : )

We have been playing in the back yard every chance we can get!

This ball pit looks pointless and boring, but I am telling you, it is providing lots of fun! David was annoyed with me that I bought the extra 150 balls. He made it very clear that it was my responsibility to pick them up every day. LOL.

Bless Braley's heart. His knees have got to be hurting! He has been crawling for what seems like ages. He is taking steps periodically, but really prefers to crawl. Sigh.

Love that face!

We had friends and their kids over for pizza last night. And today, we went to breakfast and came back outside to play!

Naps now, then a birthday party this afternoon!


Jill said...

Love the boys' plaid shorts and polo shirts! Where are the from? As if I need more clothes for my boys... :)

Megan and David said...

JC Penny!! They are Carter's, and they were on sale for $11! For the shirt and shorts. Yay!!

nikinikinine said...

Braley sounds like Ryan. It's ridiculous how slow he is to mobilize. He literally takes three steps, crouches and crawls the rest of the way. I think it's easier for him though!