Friday, January 11, 2013

Friday = zoo day

It's been cold and rainy, even colder and rainier, then today the sun came out and got to the 70s.  Of course, tomorrow brings more cold then even colder.  Only in Oklahoma.  Anyway, I decided we had to take advantage of this day, since it might be our last chance for sunshine in at least a week, it seems.  

I love having a zoo membership.  It really is one of our favorite places to go.

Braley loves the goats, Paige was okay with the goats, and Jack didn't like them at all.  

Everyone likes pigs!  And these pigs in here are HUGE and not pink, so the kids were kind of confused.  Also, pigs don't literally say, "oink oink oink," so that noise these "pigs" made confused things even more.  Here they are trying to figure out what is going on:

No mistaking that monkeys are the favorite of the Griffith children.

We also love to run all over the Children's zoo, explore tunnels, crawl in caves...

And we never leave the zoo without a stop by the playground!  We went in the late afternoon, so there weren't many people there.  We got to just run wild and get a lot of energy out : )

David is out tonight, so I'm looking forward to catching up on my DVR, taking a bath, reading my US.Weekly, and probably polishing off the brownies.  Have a great weekend!!

1 comment:

aMUSEing said...

i am looooooving B's haircut! preshFest2013