15 week belly. I am just getting BIG. I am measuring 20 weeks, although I have only gained 2 pounds. My ass is bigger, thighs, boobs, arms, and stomach is huge. So the 2 pound weight gain thing is very puzzling to me. I'm sure the numbers will start piling on soon.
My mirror is not dirty. I am sorry it looks that way, though. And the sheets were coming off to be washed...so this is just a bad picture. Oh well.

Your belly does look bigger than a normal 15 week belly, but your still as cute as ever, and of course there are two little guys in there taking up a lot of smashed space! :) Hope your feeling well.
Love Paige's backpack. :)
awwww.. you look great and Miss Paige is so darn cute!
You look awesome!!
And, that backpack is too cute! I love how you are starting her young - fashionable over functional!
Love bugs new back pack. We just got the larger one in green with the clip on lunch box for Carter. He about tips over when wearing it, but it's soooo cute! Wait until you see her wearing it while she walks off to school. Tear.
y'all are looking so cute - with your bump and Paige's backpack:)
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