For the boys' nursery, that is.
David is really funny about these things. He must have a say on every.little.thing. I know most men don't even realize what is happening! Not David!! I emailed him what I liked the other day, and got a very simple, "No. I don't like that." Well okay - thanks!
I picked a new scheme, and he actually likes it!

We are going to wait a bit before we start buying anything. I know I am almost 16 weeks, but the infertile in me is still feeling strange about truly accepting the fact that 2 boys are joining our family this fall.
Perhaps when my mom gets back in town (they are at their vacation home in AK until mid-July I will feel like doing some shopping (and hey - maybe she will be feeling generous!! LOL!!)
Anyway - what do you think of the new scheme?
love the green
I absolutely love it! It is going to be so pretty or should I say handsome?!?!
Send me the links to the cribs if you get a chance - I would love to see them!!!
I love it. The stripe material is the same exact material I used in Chad's room. Guess we both have good taste.
i love this too! i think i like this new color scheme better than the first!
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