Beautiful Anchorage. This is a view from the Coastal Trail, right near where David and I got engaged. I thought I'd start you off with a beautiful picture before I get into the absolute madness that defined summer vacation 2010.

One of our first nights here we spotted some precious baby Moose. We knew their momma wasn't far off, as they really don't let their young out of their sight.
Okay. So Friday is when things started to go south. Our plan for the day was: I go for a spa treatment and mani/pedi in the morning, then I watch Paige in the afternoon and David, mom, and dad golf in the afternoon. Perfect! My spa morning was heaven. I had pretty bad allergies while I was there and the steam treatment really helped. My body scrub and massage were amazing, and I always love getting my nails done!
But when I got home, David didn't feel well. I figured he would be fine, just needed some mom and I went out shopping before their tee time. When we got home, David said he was too sick to play. I knew something was up if he didn't want to go play golf. Long story short, he vomited non-stop from 1PM to 7PM. He couldn't lift his head, keep any water down, and started barely responding to me. I am TERRIFIED of dehydration, especially in the dry climate of Alaska. Off to the ER we went. They gave him 2 bags of fluids, anti-nausea meds through his IV, and some pain meds to help relax him a his kidneys hurt so much from the dehydration. After 3 hours or so, we went home and he felt okay. The official word was just a severe stomach bug.
Well of course we were afraid that we would all get it.
The next day, while David felt better, Paige started throwing up. Uggggh. However, she seemed to be okay after a few hours. But really, looking back, she was never really herself after that.
But we pressed on.
Our last day was actually one of the best I have had in a while! David and my mom decided to play golf, so dad and I took Paige on a nice walk along the Coastal Trail downtown.

So back to Paige. I knew she wasn't feeling like herself, but I thought she would be okay. Just a little out of her element.
Please excuse how I look. This was after the red eye from Anchorage to Houston. David and I didn't sleep at all. But Paige slept, so we were happy.
I was so tired on the flight from Houston to OKC...thank goodness it was only an hour!
Paige did really well. Besides not wanting to eat anything.
With daddy on the tram at Houston International. Man, that is a big ole' airport!!!

End of story?
I wish. We have a sick little girl on our hands. She hasn't wanted to play since we got home. She just wants to lay on my chest, and when she threw up again, I called the pedi. She told me to stop even trying to feed her and keep pushing the fluids, which we have. She had a wet diaper this afternoon, so that made me happy. We are going in in the morning no matter what, but I sure hope a night in her own crib helps.
This is so hard for me. This is the first time Paige has been sick. I keep bursting into tears. I cried to the pedi, my mom, my grandmother, and David about 20 times. I can't even talk about it without my voice starting to shake.
I love her so much and I just so badly want to take this pain and yucky feeling away from her.
I think it is not worry so much - as I know that she is going to be is just this complete feeling of helplessness that being a mom can sometimes bring.
I hate to hear that Paige is sick - I can't imagine how hard it is to not be able to fix it! Praying she gets better soon!
The pictures are amazing! I absolutely love them - and I'm like you, I always take a million pictures of flowers on vacay!
Sending good thoughts your way. I know how hard it is to have sick little ones, and the feeling of wanting to take all the pain away, hopefully she is better soon!
I loved your pictures! I hope the bug starts to feel better!!! I hope you don't get whatever they have either!!!
Sorry Paige was sick, but I'm glad she is feeling better. Alaska looks so nice, I would love to go there some day.
You look so adorable with your little baby bump.
Great pictures! Love the first one - so beautiful! your baby(s) bump is so cute! keep the pics coming
Poor Paige... it is hard to see them sick or hurting. Your trip looks like it was lovely despite all the "sick" and the pictures are gorgeous!
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