We are having the best time with our little girl. It is amazing to watch the world through the eyes of a toddler. Everything is new and exciting.
We started out this wonderful Saturday with a trip to Gymboree while Daddy golfed. Paige had a blast, as usual!

Playing peek-a-boo through a tunnel is about the coolest thing ever : )

Of course Paige got distracted and went to open all of the cabinets.

Not to brag or anything - but most of the kids in Paige's class were too afraid to crawl up and across this thing. Not this little lady!

Her hair is getting so blonde and had a curl to it now. We refuse to cut it. It is so beautiful!

After Gymboree and golf, David and I went to the mall and to a few stores here in town. Then we came home and Paige and I napped while daddy did yard work.
We decided to do a little family date night at the country club tonight. We ate dinner...
...then went to the pool! It was very overcast this evening and actually cooled off into the 80s, so it was perfect.

Unfortunately, the clouds really rolled in and lightening was spotted, so we had to get out and go home.

Exciting news: boys bedding is ordered! I changed my mind at the last minute though, and went in a kind of different direction. I emailed back and forth with the gal making it several times, and we settled on a design that I am really excited about! I also ordered the wall letters! So I guess we have settled on names! Jack and Braley it is!
Still working on: dresser, wall decor, rug, curtains!
So, here are the bedding fabrics. The glider matches the green in the striped fabric. I was just worried that the room was going to overwhelmed in green - so I wanted to throw in some blue. I'm really excited to see how it all comes together. It will take them about a month to sew it and get it shipped - so not too long to wait!
What do you think?
We were going to use that same paisley fabric if Kate was a boy - so I love it!!!
Sounds like y'all are having a great weekend - I've been couch bound due to contractions. Boo!
I love it!!! You will have to have us all over so we can see the finished product!!!
You are looking so cute prego! Glad everything is going so well!! Also, love the names!
It's perfect!!
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