Paige loves Mondays! She gets to go to Chesapeake to play while I work out. Then after dinner, she gets to go to gymnastics! It was my day to take her (yay!) and we had a blast!

Patiently waiting her turn for the trampoline. She didn't have to wait long - there are only 2 kids in her class (including her!) this session. No waiting, lots of playing.
I think she might take after her momma and be a gymnast.

And this afternoon, we got to spend more time playing outside.

I had to constantly remind myself at gymnastics to breathe. When she climbed to the top of this rope ladder thing that has a slide on the other end, I was having some serious anxiety. She kept saying, "mommy, I can do it by myself!" These are things that I normally would have had no problem letting her climb and do alone. But I look at things totally differently now! Thankfully she never even came close to falling : )
David, the lucky guy, has been invited to attend the Master's golf tournament in Augusta, GA this weekend with his boss. Of course, he said yes. So we will be spending Easter with my parents : ) The biggest golf fan I I am very excited for him.
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