We have been busy busy this week! The boys, now both full walkers/runners, are giving me a run for my money. Twin boys can get places faster than I ever imagined! And now that I'm a paranoid mom who has rushed her child to the ER for a fall - I'm even more aware of the trouble that can happen in the blink of an eye!
Anyway - David had a wonderful trip to the Masters. We were VERY happy to welcome him home, though! And like any good father/husband, he brought back goodies for his family : )

And a little update on the gymboree front (not sure if I updated here or not...): we are headed up there when the boys wake up from their nap to collect a full refund. Our local chapter actually changed its' policy due to the incident. Each child must be accompanied by a parent. So they agreed to give me all my money back and we won't be attending anymore. So that's that.
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