Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Long and tiring, but fun day with my girl!

Whew.  What a day.  Good thing momma has some help relaxing in the evenings!

The day started with dropping Jack and Braley at school, going to the gym with Paige, then taking her to lunch.

Such a lady eating her cookie : )

Paige and I nearly ran out of gas on the way to the zoo, but we made it!

We had a BLAST.  It was hotter than all get out, but we made frequent stops to the children's zoo to splash in the creek and cool off.  Her favorites were the elephants, zebras, and giraffes.

Swinging like a monkey...

(and yes, there is an outfit change in here.  She hates wearing wet clothes, so after laying down in the creek, she insisted on changing clothes.  Good thing I anticipated and packed a few outfits)

She said, "take my picture with the monkey, mommy!"  ha!

As you can imagine, chasing my 3 year old around the zoo in the 100 degree heat is tiring.  This was after I worked out for an hour.  Then, I picked up the twins and came home, only to have David be busy all night and not able to help with dinner, baths, and bed.  I am absolutely beat and ready to go to bed!  David and I started listening to soundscapes (spa music) on the music channel while we sleep.  We really are getting old.

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