Thursday, February 7, 2013

all kinds of random

Time gets away from me, and I neglect the blog.  Which I hate.  

We have started gymnastics, swimming, and are still going to preschool.  We have lucked out with a few nice days, and of course, we take advantage:

A rare photo of me with all 3 of my little loves!

Freezer clean out night means:  spinach pizza and chicken nuggets.

Crazy hat day at school : )

David and I got a night out last week.

We have had several birthday parties lately!

Not impressed with having to wait for cake.

Jack and Braley have gone from not being able to leave my side at all at gymnastics (which is frustrating in the moment.  I just want them to PLAY!) to running circles around me, loving every second.  It fills me with such joy watching them be happy and independent.

However, along those same lines - we have had some issues come up lately.  We were at a birthday party of a sweet friend of Paige's (whom she adores and is constantly asking about) and her friend wanted to play with her.  But all Paige wanted to do was play with her brothers.  She has gotten so used to having constant playmates, and she is comfortable with them.  She is having a hard time stepping out of her comfort zone and playing with her peers.  And she has expressed her hurt and confusion lately on why the boys always get to stay together, and she has to be alone.  In gymnastics, she is in the big girl class alone, and the boys are together in the toddler class.  At school, we drop the boys off together, and she has to go to preschool alone.  At swimming, we drop the boys in the nursery, and she goes to swim class alone.  At night, the boys sleep in the same room.  Mommy and Daddy sleep in the same room.  And she sleeps alone.  Of course, I try and play up the whole "it is special to be the big sister!  You get to do all kinds of fun things they don't get to do!"  But I am almost saying these things through tears, as it brings up feelings of, "she should have had this.  She had a twin.  We miscarried her twin."  And I know that things worked out they way they did for a reason.  If that baby had made it, we wouldn't have the boys.  I know that.  But it does make me sad for her.  That has to be hard for her, and she can't understand.

But I majorly digress.  The boys are doing great at gymnastics.

And eating, eating, eating, like good growing boys should!

Marathon training is going well!

My future baby wearer : )

Little bitty in her swimsuit.

That's all for today.

1 comment:

aMUSEing said...

i cannot wait to be out there, with you all!!! what honeys! i looove B's hair, P's crazy hat and adorbsFest swimmie. they are all just to precious for words...good work mom (oh and david too!)