Tuesday, June 5, 2012

summer school

Today was the first day of summer school.  It went about how I thought it would:

everyone was all smiles until the boys realized they were staying and mommy was leaving. : (  Cue my heart breaking in a million pieces.  I had to keep reminding myself that this is good for them.  They need to socialize with other kids besides each other.  They need to learn to let other adults care for them.  They need to learn to share.  And I will be a better mom getting a break from them.  But still, I hate thinking that they felt sadness at that moment.  Ugh.

When I went to get them, they were looking over at Paige in the big kids room, crying : (  The teachers told me that they seemed very upset that they could see Paige but couldn't get to her.  So they decided to close the door to that room.  And that helped!  They were happy by lunch time, ate all their lunch, went to recess and happily played outside, then took a nap!  So, all in all, I'd call the first day a success. It will take ALL of us a while to get used to the new routine (Paige was upset at pick-up when I went to get the boys before her.  She was just confused by the change in what we normally do).  But I bet by July, we will have it down and everyone will love school : )

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