Monday, July 19, 2010

My boys

David and I met with the MFM on Thursday. There is no way that appointment could have gone any better. I am fully aware that things could change at any second, but I have been blessed with a very uncomplicated twin pregnancy. Both boys look perfect!

Baby B is very low and shy! We couldn't get too many face pictures of him.

Baby A, on the other hand, was posing away! Sucking his thumb, punching his brother, and generally seemed to be having a good time!

Baby B is a boy for sure : )
Baby A's precious face!! I just can't get over how adorable he is!

I know some people are freaked out by 3D pics - but I just think my boys are precious and I love them so much already!

Baby A is also a boy. And he likes to show his stuff.

Baby B again - he really does seem much more mellow and shy than his brother. He was pretty happy to just lay there and watch his brother steal the show.

Please keep our family in your prayers - for a continued healthy pregnancy and growing, healthy boys!

We have been blessed beyond words!


Jeremy and Allison Hess said...


Lindsey B said...

I know I've told you already but, I love these!

Such cute boys!!

Tabitha said...

Amazing pictures, I'm so excited for you and your family!! God is truly amazing!

Kristi said...

Its soo cute how one is already being a little shy! My twins, my boy stayed in the same position the whole time but my girl was in a diffent position every month. We could tell then she would be the more outgoing of the two and now at 8months she definately is!!!

Jamie Dearle said...

The boys look so great! Do you guys have names yet?

togo said...

They are so cute! I know it's hard to see from the u/s but they do look a lot a like to me. Don't be surprised if they are identical and not fraternal. 30% of fraternal pregnancies are ID. My boys were in separate sacs and placentas and they are ID.