Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Home on break!

Not me - I'm always home on break (insert sarcastic eye roll from me...I NEVER get a break!). But really - David took this week off of work and we are loving having him home!

He took Paige and my grandfather (Jack original) out to breakfast so I could stay home and love on my baby boys
He let me go get a pedicure! Hadn't done that since the babies were born and it was much needed.

He is home to get to enjoy his boys while they are still tiny! Wait - back up...Jack is not tiny any more. I don't know how much he weighs, but it is a lot more than his brother. We call him The Fat Jack (lovingly, of course).
Look at that little gorgeous chuncker! I love it!

And he is getting to love in his mini-me! Braley is the spitting image of his daddy.


kim said...

love the chubs.... so so so so cute!!!

Lindsey B said...

OMG I love the chub. And The Fat Jack - I spit out my Coek Zero over that one!