Thursday, January 20, 2011

Blue bath, and other random things.

Everyone was so sweet to the bug when the boys were born. We got so many big sister gifts. One of them being these balls you drop in the bath that turn it colors. She LOVES it! And it is great because we are teaching her colors right now.

How fun does that look!

Paige amazes us every single day. She counts to 10 with ease, knows blue, yellow, purple, green, and red, is really getting good at her ABCs, and can sing most of twinkle twinkle. She is a pro at two word phrases now. Example: mommas car, daddas shirt, bye bye bath. And speaking of bye bye bath - we must say good bye to everything. Anytime we leave a room. Example: bye bye crib, bye bye diapers, bye bye rock (her rocking chair), bye bye truck (the truck that is parked outside our neighbors house that is visible through her window)...anytime we leave her room. It is cute. And a bit of a time waster. But she is doing very well. David and I are quite pleased.

To the poster who made the comment about Calliou being bald...OMG - that cracked me up. Seriously. I wish I could take credit for that, but I won't : )

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