When the world needs saving, Braley is going to be too busy playing with his feet to heed the call. But he sure is a cute little one.
They are becoming so aware. Their eyes follow me all around the room. They are starting to take notice of each other. They do tummy time facing each other and just laugh and laugh. They are loud. They love the sound of their own voices (don't we all...) and make noises all the time!
They are still sleeping in our bedroom, and I anticipate making the big move to their cribs sometime between month 5 and 6. I'm just not ready. But I'm getting there. David is awesome and is letting me take the lead on this, even though I know he is ready to have his bedroom back.
Paige's party progress is in full steam! I can't wait!!
However, I keep hearing from multiple sources that 2 is the magic age for:
Potty training
Big girl bed
Ditching our nighttime bottle
Quit rocking her to sleep for naps and bed time
Well, crap. I'm really not ready for all of that.
Jack's eyes are so, so pretty!
And, I can't belive Paige is almost 2 - I remember her first birthday and party like it was yesterday - where has the time gone?!?!
All three of your babies are so cute!
I love seeing what Jack and Braley are up to...gives me a glimpse of what I'll be seeing in a few months!
Hold up, we have to quit rocking them to sleep at night at 2! Who came up with that rule??!! I'm with you, I'm so not ready for that. Maybe at age 12! HAHA!
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