Friday, August 1, 2008

Baseline ultrasound

I have never seen my ovaries so quiet before. I have PCOS in a big way, so at every ultrasound, I see at least 30-40 2-10 mm follies. Yesterday, I had about 10 2-5 mm on the right, and no PCO on the left. HOLLA for Lupron! Now I just hope that it didn't OVER suppress me. I hope that my 200 units of Follistim I start on Saturday and bring me back! Ahhh, always something to freak about.
I have had drama at work, so it has been a distraction, albeit not a nice one. One of my co-workers has gone off the deep end and is pretty much making life miserable for everyone around her. It is just bad all around. But at least it gives me something else to think about - momentarily.

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