Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Week 35 appointment

Had a growth scan...but it was hard for her to get accurate measurements. Their legs are tangled up and there is literally no more room in there! They still have good fluid, considering the lack of space. But by measuring the head, belly, and thigh bone, she estimated that they are each between 5.5 and 6 pounds. One closer to 5.5 and the other closer to 6. So that is great! They are growing great, moving a ton, and seem to be pretty happy (albeit cramped!) in there.

Weight: up 30 pounds!!! I started laughing! I am gaining so much weight lately - but I am eating normally and my BP is the same. I am also not swelling. But my OB is fine with it and assures me that most of this will come out with my C-Section. With under 2 weeks to go, I expect to be right at or just under 35 pounds. So that is great!

She measured my stomach, but I was having a contraction while she was doing that, so she hurried so I could roll over on my side. She didn't give me a measurement, so I assume it was fine.

My BP was 100/55.

We talked a lot about my rash. Of course, she feels awful for me, especially when I broke down in tears. She moved my C-Section date up to the 16th (37w1d). I am really happy with this. For some reason, that feels much more doable than the 18th. We check in the hospital at 6:45 and surgery starts at 8:45! Of course, I could go into labor before then, but I'm not counting on it. I had very few contractions yesterday. Of course, when she tells me to go off my contraction pills and let labor happen if it does, my contractions all but stop. But I do know that it is best to get these little sweet boys to full-term. That will be best for everyone!

She gave me some pain pills to help me relax and not scratch as much. I took them yesterday afternoon, and I think they helped. Make no mistake - I still scratch and bleed. But a good day is a day where I am not screaming at David to grab a kitchen knife and cut these boys out of me himself.

I leave you with my lady bug. She had a great day at school yesterday, then my mom took her for the night so I could sleep and rest. She is going to the tennis nursery (which she LOVES!!!) today and will come back home this afternoon. I miss her, but am thankful for the rest.

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