I admit that I have always judged sleep-training. Why on earth would you let your baby cry just so he/she can fit your schedule of when you think they should be sleeping. After all, parenting isn't a "sometimes" job. It is 24/7. And I have seriously questioned a mother's instincts who can sit and listen to her baby cry. It is unnatural and lazy.
Well...I've changed my tune. I have a six month old who won't nap unless he is being held, you are rocking him in the dark blaring white noise, and holding a pacifier in his mouth. It doesn't work. I guess if I had only him, I could do that. But this can't go on. He gets huge bags under his eyes, fusses in the evenings...I know he is tired and needs his sleep.
It dawned on me yesterday that I am doing him a disservice by not helping him learn how to get good daytime sleep. I was being a lazy parent by not buckling down and doing something about this. I Have been taking the easy way out by going in there and rocking him. It seemed like the natural thing for me to do, but it isn't getting either one of us anywhere. I have only 1 goal: teach Jack how to get good, meaningful daytime sleep. That is all. I don't care when or where he does it. I don't care if all 3 nap at the same time and give me a "break." I just need him to learn how to sleep.
So yesterday I started. With his naps, I rock him to sleep (I know Fer.ber says drowsy but awake. Doesn't work for Jack). When he wakes up crying (less than 5 minutes in), I let him cry for a few minutes, see if he will settle himself. He never does. Go in, pat his back, settle him back in, leave. With his next waking (normally 10 minutes or so later), let him cry again, a little bit longer than the first time. Go in, pat his back, settle him back in. This went on for 2 hours yesterday.
And right now, I'm in the middle of doing it again. I don't pick him up when I go in, just pat his back. It normally takes just a few minutes of me patting him for him to settle back in and fall asleep. But he isn't getting MEANINGFUL sleep. 10 minutes at a time with spurts of crying over the course of 2 hours is not meaningful sleep. It isn't helping him.
I can't understand why he just won't stay asleep like my other children will. He is comfy, fed, dry, clean, in a soft and cozy place, dark, white noise, cool but not cold...I just don't get it.
Am I doing the right thing? Will going in and patting him make things worse/better?
Anyone is welcome to chime in. I need help.